Cape Coral, FL - Property Claim Lawyer

(954) 676-4179

Cape Coral Property Claim Lawyer

Florida Property Claim Lawyer - Louis Law Group

When your Cape Coral property sustains damage that you did not cause, you have the right to file an insurance claim for your losses. However, your insurance company may attempt to lowball you or not meet the terms of your policy. But you don’t have to back down and accept a subpar insurance offer for the damage your property sustained. After all, you paid the premium, and your insurance company should meet its promise to you.

Fight back by hiring a Louis Law Group property claim lawyer in Cape Coral, FL to help you move forward with an appeal or negotiated settlement.

Louis Law Group can represent your claim in matters involving:

  • Denied claims
  • Water damage
  • Flood damage
  • Fire damage
  • Income loss
  • Wind damage
  • Mold damage
  • Roof damage
  • Theft damage


Our team of dedicated legal professionals will help you navigate the claims or appeals process. And we’ll fight for your rights in Florida civil court if the situation demands it.

Statutory Deadline for Property Damage Claims

In Florida, like every other U.S. state, there is a statute of limitations—or deadline—that applies to every insurance claim. Generally, you have up to five years from the date the damage was incurred to file a claim, appeal, or civil lawsuit.

This timeline applies across the entirety of your case, whether it is part of a more significant legal issue or a standalone lawsuit. If you miss this statutory deadline and file a claim anyway, the insurance company will deny the claim and dismiss the lawsuit filed against them.

It is frustrating to see an insurance company get away with short-changing you based on a legal technicality. But you can hold the responsible parties accountable for their liabilities by hiring a property claim lawyer in Cape Coral, FL who will represent your interests throughout the entire claims process.

Contact a Property Claim Lawyer for Cape Coral, FL Today

Contacting a property claim lawyer for Cape Coral, FL is a practical approach to getting the compensation and benefits you deserve for damage you did not cause. Don’t let your insurance company deny you coverage and break the promise they made to you.

The legal team at Louis Law Group is ready to answer your questions. Connect with us by calling (954) 676-4179 for a free case evaluation, or use our contact form to send us a message.

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