Florida Denied Farmers Property Claim Lawyer - Louis Law Group

Locations - Florida Denied Farmers Property Claim Lawyer


Florida Denied Farmers Claim Lawyer

If your Farmers property claim was denied, you’re probably wondering why. After all, you’re paying insurance premiums, and you expect any property damage you incur to be paid for. However, claims are sometimes denied, so understanding why it happens will help you identify possible reasons that apply to your situation. 

Here are some common reasons why a Farmers property claim may be denied: 

  • Your plan is no longer active, because you didn’t keep up with paying your premiums. 
  • Your plan doesn’t cover the damages your property sustained. 
  • Your claim is missing information. 
  • Your original claim lacked proof of damages. 
  • You missed the deadline for filing the claim. 
  • The damages you sustained were valued at less than the policy’s deductible. 
  • You failed to protect your property in a reasonable manner. 
  • The damages your property sustained are actually the liability of a third party. 


Possible Damages You Can Receive 

Your Farmers insurance policy will state the specific types of damage it will cover, as well as the situations that will receive coverage. Your plan may exclude something like flooding, so if you believe your property is in danger of being flooded, you’ll definitely want to ensure you’re covered. 

The following types of damages are covered by most insurance policies: 

Repair Costs 

If your home or other buildings on your property (deck, shed, etc.) have been damaged, your policy will likely cover the repair costs. 

Cleanup Costs 

Your Farmers insurance plan will usually cover the costs of cleaning up your property. This may include removing debris from your property, as well as replanting trees and restoring other things that may have been damaged or destroyed. 

Relocation Costs 

If your house has been rendered uninhabitable and you can’t safely live in it until repairs are done, your insurance policy may cover the costs of temporary housing. This coverage could include paying for a hotel, food, and other things. 

Personal Property 

Your personal property may also be covered under your insurance plan. If you have personal items such as clothes, electronics, furniture, or other things in your house, you can buy coverage for them. 

While these coverages are common to many insurance policies, your policy may not include them all. We can look over your insurance policy to identify exactly what is and isn’t covered. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you. 

It can be frustrating to have your Farmers property claim denied, and that’s why we’re here to help. You’ll already be dealing with the stress of the damage done to your home and personal items, and perhaps having to temporarily live somewhere else.  

Here’s how we can help you: 

Review Your Policy 

Our experienced lawyers will review your insurance policy and ascertain what kinds of damages you are covered for. They will also determine which damages may not be paid for by your insurance company. 

Design an Appeal Strategy 

You will have to provide additional proof of the damages your property sustained. This could include photos of the damage and quotes from contractors outlining the costs of the repairs. We can help get this information to your insurance provider.  

File an Appeal 

After putting together all of the necessary information for your appeal, we will file it. Throughout the process, we will keep you informed about the progress of your claim and make sure everything is being done to protect you. 

Louis Law Group can help you file an appeal of your denied Farmers property claim. The insurance company must pay for damages as stated within your insurance policy. If you suspect they are not living up to their obligations, one of our property claim lawyers can assist you. Contact us for a free consultation, call  (954) 676-4179 today. 

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